How To Be More Charismatic, Part 1: 3 Ways to Get people to Like you

Charisma is something that is very useful for the ease of our lives. Perhaps many of you think that charisma is something that is obtained from birth, position, or because of popularity. No you are wrong!! charisma is something that can be developed and formed consciously through various social communication cases around us. Like a skill that can be sharpened

Let's look at a few things that make us more charismatic by making people comfortable and making good relationships with people around you.


Arguing with others rarely yields positive results, instead arguing makes the other party even more confident with the arguments he has. Personal relationships with others can grow strong and solid from the act of hearing what other people want and looking at from the perspective of others. Everyone wants to be heard, including us, but if you already realize how much other people like to be heard, why don't you use it to make other people comfortable and trust you? so that you can build a very strong personal relationship that will facilitate yourself in the future.

Realize the extraordinary benefits when you can work together to bring together insights and mindsets, not to blame and believe only we are right. Pitting two different opinions will only cause social tension and conflict, bringing them together with humility and friendliness will create a warmth that makes you more respected, consciously or unconsciously.

"Make yourself different by avoiding the argument"


One thing you must remember is, stating that someone else is wrong will only make you hostile. Instead of seeing others as wrong, why don't you view others as different?

Instead of scolding and blaming why don't we try to create conditions that are more respectful, even when you know someone else is wrong and you're right. There is no point in disturbing other people's egos and damaging personal relationships with others.

This point is closely related to the first point, avoid arguments and don't blame. Try a more diplomatic and friendly attitude, learning to look at things from the perspective of others. Try to think

"What if we are on their side?" do we want to be blamed?

This continues to the last point:


One of the things that is very common to us and is very cliche, "Everybody has done something wrong".

Feeling right then being recognized by others is really fun. But you forget that there is great satisfaction when you dare to admit mistakes. Acknowledging mistakes gives us a perspective of comfort and security as PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT PERFECT.

This perspective only exists if we dare to have a skill called "ACKNOWLEDGING". Remember that admitting mistakes makes you different from other people, because actually humans don't want to feel wrong. People will be much more reluctant to you when you dare to be honest in making mistakes.

These two words are very powerful and are able to change all kinds of social tensions, with the power of these two words you can become a very respected person and get respect from others. Those two words are

"Lo Siento, I'm sorry"

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