Yep, we are now in the middle of a corona virus pandemic that makes us all can no longer play and go to the mall: ((really sad! Really bored? Of course! But are we going to keep complaining? OH YES NO DONG!

Viruses that are more dangerous than corona viruses are, yeah right, Ebola. HAHAHA Just kidding guys.

Negativity. The negative attitude that exists in us, is the way we respond to what happens in the environment around us makes us lose the opportunity.

Opportunity? What Opportunity?

For sure, what is certain is the opportunity to become a beneficiary in the midst of this pandemic. Just open your eyes, who are the people who benefit from this pandemic? Yep traders of food raw materials such as vegetable vendors, supermarket owner, and other staple goods entrepreneurs. Because of what? Because we need!!.

Then, how can we be one of them? no, you don't have to be a 'vegetable man', but you have to find the opportunity to become a beneficiary.

The very first way is, be POSITIVE. Yep, Positive is an important skill if you want to succeed in the midst of a pandemic like this. Once your mind starts to be positive, you will look for loopholes and ways that you can benefit even in the difficult conditions it is today.

Maybe many of us think "Ah corona just bothered, ah corona makes me not get a salary, ah corona made me laid off". All talk like complaints that close our minds to be positive people. Finally, we always become the injured party.

Listen to me well, in this world we cannot control, all we can control is our REACTION to what is happening to us. Do you want to keep falling while cursing at the government or want to go ahead and look for profit gaps?

From positivity, Opportunity will emerge, maybe you can sell masks, become blog writer like me hahaha, or maybe become an online tutor where many students at school don't study so they need teachers to be able to guide them into university. There are so many opportunities that you can find when you become a Positive and Optimistic person.

after positivity, opportunity, then comes RESPONSIBILITY. You have to be able to take responsibility for the opportunities you take, you have to run really seriously, and you have to really be able to make people around you rely on yourself. Maybe family or friends or anyone. Because it is only possible to curse and complain can make your family happy life.

Negativity dragging you down? Tame it or get rid of it!

so, that's all from me jems bon, stay positive and keep healthy!


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