
Sebuah Cerita: REZEKI dan BERSYUKUR!

 Assalamualaikum guisss i'm back!! wkwkwk ya walaupun gaada yang baca juga sih tapi gapapa seengaknya di blog ini gue bisa nulis semau gue tanpa khawatir judge dari orang lain wkwk!. Jadi sekarang gue mau bahas tentang rezeki dan rasa Syukur. Sebelumnya gue mau nanya dulu, lo pada semua pada punya otak gasih? Punya kan? atau ga punya?. Gue kasih tau kenapa sebenernya lo semua gapunya otak. Lo semua mengeluh terhadap sesuatu yang menimpa kalian, terus kalian bilang "Allah gaadil" atau "Hidup berat banget" "Why did this happen to me" dan lain sebagainya. SEMENTARA KALIAN MASIH PUNYA RUMAH, BISA MAKAN, BISA MANDI, DAN BISA MAIN HP. mikir gasih!!! Allah ngasih kalian 100 kenikmatan, hanya karena 1 musibah kalian ngeluh? kalian cape? gila ya lo! Well tapi itulah manusia, hanya karena satu masalah, melupakan hal baik yang ada pada dirinya maupun orang lain. Bisa jadi, maybe... just maybe, masalah yang lo hadapi, musibah yang lo lalui, adalah cara Allah untuk...

We Don't Even Asking! Orang tua VS Anak (Untuk Orangtua)

Pernah ga sih lo mikir kalo kehidupan kita dari lahir sampe besar itu sebenarnya terkekang? Lo dirumah pasti punya berbagai kewajiban yang harus lo lakuin seperti membereskan rumah, belajar, sekolah, berprestasi dan lain sebagainya. Sadar gasih kenapa kita melakukan semua hal tersebut? Yap, semua karena permintaan orang tua. Dan apa yang bakal mereka bilang kalo kita gamau melakukan kewajiban kita? Mereka akan mengungkit betapa susahnya mereka mengandung, mengurusi kita sejak kecil, atau bahkan membawa ayat Al-Quran tentang bakti kapda orang tua. Semuanya dikatakan seakan akan kita harus memberikan feedback terhadap apa yang mereka lakukan. We don't remember asking. Apa kita minta buat dikandung? no Apa kita minta untuk dilahirin? No Apa kita minta di beliin ini itu dan diurusin ketika kecil? No Disini gue bukan menyuruh kalian untuk membangkang, berbakti adalah hal yang sangat baik, namun tulisan ini gua tujukan untuk Orang tua agar lebih memahami bagaimana memperlakuka...


Untuk membuat caption instagram yang menarik, lo harus bisa membagi tujuan caption lo menjadi 3 kategori: 1. Motivasi atau Story Telling 2. Humor 3. Marketing Gue disini cuma bakal fokus ke cara membuat caption humor, karena caption jenis ini yang paling banyak membuat orang ngelike foto kita. Yuk disimak contoh berikut ini 1. Lo harus Buat Makna dan suatu cerita dari Foto lo Diatas adalah foto yang bercerita tentang gue lagi berenang, gapake baju, mengacungkan jempol, dan tersenyum. Kemudian gue memikirkan suatu ide bahwa foto ini bermakna my hotness hahaha walaupun sedikit kepedean tapi kejujuran itu penting! 2. Less is More Caption yang terlalu panjang juga membuat orang risih dan malas untuk membacanya, keep it simple but to the point, tambahin emoticon yang tersedia juga untuk mengganti kata-kata. Instead of Pregnant words i use that pregnant emoticon to make reader understand it by themselves. And.. It is more fun to read! 3. Keep practicing! H...

How to Persuade people that doesn't want to Be Persuaded?

When somebody is so firm with his mind and opinion, it is so hard to change that person's mind! So you might think it might be quite easy if they don't so firm about their argument to persuade them. I don't think so! Before we start, i suggest you to avoid argument with whoever it is, just smile and move on to another topic. First of all, it waste so much time with almost zero chance that they will go along with you. Secondly, the debate often end with some conflict between each other. But if you truly want to know about how to persuade people then her you go 1. This is not about me, it is about You! Keep that in mind, if you have an argument with people, you are just produsent of Argument, and the other side is the consument. You know that if you want to sell something good, the consument has to like it as well. Just because it is good, it doesn't mean that people want to take it if  it wasn't resonance with them! You have to tell your argument with a very...


Most of us often experience panic, stress, and dizziness in dealing with a problem, for example if we are at school, often dizzy and stressed because there is a math test, or there is final examination, whatever it is. When we are adults, there may be problems such as lack of money for daily needs, friends owe and not pay, or something like that. Problems never run out in our lives, and most people respond with stress, panic, unable to sleep, complain, vent, and various things that do not solve the problem. Here I have a very effective, instant method, like a switch in the brain, which turns panic into calm. Turning stress into peace. the way is very simple, just say in the heart "WORLD DESCRIPTION EVERYTHING HAS BEEN ARRANGED BY GOD AND THE DEFINITELY MUST NOT BE CHANGED, RELAXED!" say it in the heart, or in the mouth if necessary. Accompanied by belief that it is true. You all must know that the name of worldly destiny has already been determined, DESTINY WILL N...

How To Be More Charismatic, Part 1: 3 Ways to Get people to Like you

Charisma is something that is very useful for the ease of our lives. Perhaps many of you think that charisma is something that is obtained from birth, position, or because of popularity. No you are wrong!! charisma is something that can be developed and formed consciously through various social communication cases around us. Like a skill that can be sharpened Let's look at a few things that make us more charismatic by making people comfortable and making good relationships with people around you. 1. AVOID ARGUMENT Arguing with others rarely yields positive results, instead arguing makes the other party even more confident with the arguments he has. Personal relationships with others can grow strong and solid from the act of hearing what other people want and looking at from the perspective of others. Everyone wants to be heard, including us, but if you already realize how much other people like to be heard, why don't you use it to make other people comfortable and tru...


Yep, we are now in the middle of a corona virus pandemic that makes us all can no longer play and go to the mall: ((really sad! Really bored? Of course! But are we going to keep complaining? OH YES NO DONG! Viruses that are more dangerous than corona viruses are, yeah right, Ebola. HAHAHA Just kidding guys. Negativity . The negative attitude that exists in us, is the way we respond to what happens in the environment around us makes us lose the opportunity. Opportunity? What Opportunity? For sure, what is certain is the opportunity to become a beneficiary in the midst of this pandemic. Just open your eyes, who are the people who benefit from this pandemic? Yep traders of food raw materials such as vegetable vendors, supermarket owner, and other staple goods entrepreneurs. Because of what? Because we need!!. Then, how can we be one of them? no, you don't have to be a 'vegetable man', but you have to find the opportunity to become a beneficiary. The very first...